Summer series/ A SENSE of time
The Modern day flaneur presents,
A SENSE of time.
A multi-sensorial immersive experience, interactive installation, and “live” performance
that shares the wandering journey of a Modern day flaneur as she observes and explores the inner and outer landscapes of daily life. Merging creative expression, storytelling, and wellbeing to engage your presence, and awaken the senses.
Cultivating an individual and collective connection and awareness of how we relate to ourselves, others, and the world around us, through our senses.
This series will rotate seasonally to reflect and share the present moment of the everyday.
Upon arrival, you enter into a space, installed and designed for you to become “ a part of “ You are offered an all-immersive ticket to travel through a SENSE of time. Your guide, The Modern Day Flaneur, will join you, as you journey together to the past, present, and future, and the all states that lie in space between.
The plot unfolds before your eyes to become a WITNESS to a journey. The Flaneur enters the scene, with her suitcases in hand. Playing the role of a silent observer, participating character, and narrator of her own story, she unpacks her luggage, sharing her sensorial souvenirs, with YOU, her viewers.
Through a theatrical storytelling performance, she begins unraveling the many layers of her being. Using spoken words, poetic verses, travel logs, visual projections, soundscapes, and creativity to immerse you in the moment.
Each expression and each action is meant to engage each of the senses, evoke visceral memories, and resonate on a level that defines our perception as both being UNIQUE and ENTANGLED
To cultivate a more profound sense of presence with her viewers, she invites you to interact and participate in a guided meditative practice that is both mindful and creative—using movement exercises, visualization, rituals, creative expression, and mindfulness practices to foster a connection with the self, others, and the surroundings.
To bring conscious awareness of our SENSE of taste, and smell, an array worldly of aromatic scents and nourishing seasonal tastes will be offered. Inviting you to not only the present but through a portal to travel back to memories stored deep within the layers of your being.
The EXPERIENCE - Travel time - 2 hours.
ARRIVAL / CHECK-IN: 6:30 - 7:00 pm
Power down all devices, find a seat and get comfortable, begin to unwind, and settle into the space.
TAKE OFF: 7:00 pm - lights will dim, for departure, and take off.
IN-FLIGHT entertainment:
SEE - Visual projections ( Imagery both still and moving and art)
LISTEN - soundscapes, field recordings, storytelling, ( inspired by Jennifer’s creations from her book MIRA CUBA 2021, and the HANG IN THERE installation, 2020, and SENSE of time.
Special Musical guest- A local Musician.
FEEL - exploring the sense of touch, vibration, and perception.
TASTE - seasonal drinks & nourishments ( other surprises.)
Montreal, Quebec - JUNE 22, 2023
Tickets can be purchased online through this website.
E-transfer - send to email
PayPal, or credit can be paid through this website. Go to the purchase button
Early bird/seating - $22.00 until June 11th
Second sale- $33.00 until June 20th.

A mindful rooftop experience
A mindful rooftop experience under the stars and illuminated by the moon. Join me in slowing down and tuning in to connect with ourselves, others, and the world around us this fall season.
Let’s come together to CONNECT + UNWIND + SAVOUR all the moments as they unfold over a picnic sensory experience this summer.
The Flaneur way invites you on an urban journey to awaken the senses, cultivate connections and foster purposeful exploration of our inner and outer worlds through each of our senses.
We will our journey going inward to observe and explore our inner landscapes through movement ( yoga flow) and mindful practices. Slowing the pace down to reset, rest, and unwind.
Turning outwards, to TUNE IN to awaken our sense of SIGHT, HEARING, and TOUCH through a series of creative mindful exercises and rituals. Learning ways and resources to connect deeply and FEEL FULLY the direct experience.
Connect + Gather :
A blanket will be laid out to invite you to come and gather and connect over a seasonal nourishing culinary experience. Holding space in time to notice and savour completely the food we have the pleasure to enjoy. Through mindful observation of its colours, textures, and flavours it evokes in each bite.
Allowing moments to pause and reflect, and fully relish in the opportunity of being together once again, in the company of others.
Witnessing the passage of time, through our senses
SAVOUR COMPLETELY, in this moment
SAVOUR the journey
What is included:
mindful walking meditation in urban and nature vista
movement exercises - yoga flow 1 hour
Creative mindful practices - breath work, guided meditation
Culinary Sensory experience - nourishing, seasonal foods
Connection rituals
sense kit for your to take home
SUNDAY, July 24th - 1:00- 6:00 pm
Once you have RSVP. the location will be disclosed through an email. It is in the Montreal urban landscape, a private residence, held outside.
Comfortable clothing for both movement exercises and unwinding.
A yoga mat /blanket
sun hat/ sunglasses.
open mind
As I would like to have this opportunity be offered and enjoyed by a beautiful community of like-minded souls, I am offering this experience at a community rate.
Early bird pricing is $44.00 until July 17th.
After $55.00
If you feel called to donate more after the event in order to encourage further community gatherings of this nature, please feel free. This is optional.
RSVP- Payment must be made in order to secure your spot. Payment methods are cash, PayPal, square ( debit/ credit ) or e- transfer for Canadian quests.
e transfers - jennifercloutier11@gmail.com
Paypal- cloutier_jen@yahoo.com
If you would like to make a payment via credit or alternative means, please private message me.
****If this range is still out of your reach, I will not turn you away, let’s discuss other ways
Jennifer Cloutier is a multidisciplinary artist, wellness educator, and avid explorer. Unifying these passions she founded THE FLANEUR WAY. A community-based platform, space, and way of being, that invites like-minded souls of observers, creators, and explorers to connect, learn, inspire and collaborate.
Combining her background in the arts and tourism, wellness training, and her experiences in familiar and unfamiliar places around the world, she curates, designs, and guides unique walking tours, experiences, workshops, and creative and mindful programs that brings a focus to the senses. Passionate, warm, and outgoing she strives to provide offerings that invite people to let go, express, relax and connect fully with themselves, and others.

Flaneur Workshop- Winter Session- RELATE
Winter is a good moment in which to mirror the season in which you find yourself. Slow down, tune in and create a space and time, to invite moments of rest, introspection, connection and deep listening.
Within these quiet, still moments, lies an opportunity to take notice to how we “RELATE” to ourselves, others and all that surrounds us.
The Flaneur Way invites you to journey for a winter session workshop that brings focus on the relations we have and how they affect our wellbeing, and our day to day lives.
Through the senses, this workshop will take time to acknowledge the many layers and facets that make up the individual self and the collective beings in which you relate to.
Breathwork/ Meditation/ yoga
Writing prompts/ contemplation
Creative wellbeing Rituals
Nourishing seasonal Meal ( delivered to your doorstep)
:Breathwork, meditation, and restorative yoga
:turning inward, connecting with ourselves through the senses. Rejuvenating and grounding the body and mind, calming the nervous system.
: turning outward, rituals that tune in, to others, and our surroundings to connect through our senses to the source and our direct experience.
: creative mindful exercises - to engage, express and release what is within. Connecting our minds and body and build bonds and relations with others that we make contact daily.
An invitation to gather and connect as a community to enjoy a meal, bringing a focus to a sense of smell and taste. Sharing knowledge on healthy seasonal habits for the winter and discussing your observations for The Flaneur Way experience. .
Nourishing the body with seasonal foods that will strengthen the immune systems, creative a good flow of energy and circulation and soothe the nervous system under the seasons harshest conditions.
Since we are be requested to not gather inside, I will be delivering SENSE bags to your door prior to the class in order to enjoy the PART TWO series workshop. This will consist of creative & wellbeing offerings to enhance your sensory experience on this day as well as something to use into the future.
This workshop will be set on a Sliding scale. Let your investment be a reflection of your participation.
***CONFIRMATION with e transfer
**( ONLINE CONNECTION) **- A ZOOM LINK will be posted on THE DAY to connect to the entire experience.
Flaneur Way are guided sensory experiences & explorations in urban settings. Bringing people together to observe, explore and create. To reconnect with themselves, others and all that surrounds them to rediscover what they are already a part of.
Your guide - Jennifer Cloutier is an artist, creative entrepreneur and wellness instructor. Uniting her passions for creativity and wellness. She welcomes you to her unique curated experiences with the central themes of observation through the sense

PLENTY - Flaneur Workshop
Enough, you are enough, we are enough, this is enough. WE HAVE ENOUGH.
As the seasons starts to change from one to the another, physically, mentally and emotionally we undergo changes as well. Taking the time to ground and find focus in the present moment can ease with this transition.
Join me virtually, on OCT 14th to check in, gather as a community and reflect on all that we are grateful for.
I will guiding a special Flaneur Workshop “ online “ that brings a focus to the Harvest, the act of giving and receiving, and gratitude. Using the senses to connect with ourselves, others and all that surrounds us on a daily basis. I am excited to bring you an special sensory experience that has been adapted to our present day.
Included : Flaneur Workshops are experiences that are bring a focus to each SENSE.
Special experiences, call for adapting and creating unique measures.
THE PLENTY workshop will be guided in a TWO PART series.
FEEL/ SEE/ HEAR 6:30pm-7:45pm
: Yoga Flow - To find focus, grounding and balance.
: Breathing exercises - that build the immune system, improve the circulation and calm the nervous system.
:Restorative chill out practice with music
: Gratitude reflections/ rituals
TASTE/ SMELL - 8:00- 8:30pm
Delivered to your door.
Since we are be requested to not gather inside, I will be delivering PLENTIFUL bags to your door prior to the class in order to enjoy the PART TWO series of THE FLANEUR WAY workshop. This will consist of creative & wellbeing offerings to enhance your sensory experience on this day as well as something to use into the future.
This workshop will be set on a Sliding scale. On confirmation please indicate if you will be participating in part one or two or both. Let your investment be a reflection of your participation.
PART ONE- $10-$15.00
FULL EXPERIENCE- $15.00-$20.00 - Please send me your address for delivery of the Plentiful experience.
***CONFIRMATION with e transfer must for the TASTE/SMELL experience must be made by OCT 12th, Monday.
**( ONLINE CONNECTION) **- A ZOOM LINK will be posted on THE DAY to connect to the entire experience.
Your guide - Jennifer Cloutier is an artist, creative entrepreneur and wellness instructor. Uniting her passions for creativity and wellness. She welcomes you to her unique curated experiences with the central themes of observation through the senses.
As a side note, I feel its more important then ever to keep connected during this time. Taking this opportunity to let each other know that we SEE, HEAR, FEEL them.

The fall is a time of transition, change, and letting go
Under a ARIES full moon on Oct 1st, I invite you to join me on a FULL MOON SENSEWALK in Mont Royal park.
With the passionate and confident energy that a Aries moon can provide, we will walk and reflect on shredding old versions and stories of ourselves to meet and align with purpose in what we truly want. Choosing intentions, action and language that supports and connect us with our innermost visions and desires.
We will also take focus on our relationships. Under a polarity axis of the sun in libra, Libra representing “other” and the moon in Aries, representing “ self”, we will pause and reflect on the finding balance in our relationships to ourselves, others and everything that surrounds us.
This moon illuminates the conflict between the “ me” and “ you” and between autonomy and sharing. Between meeting our personal needs and that of others.
FULL MOON sense walk & offerings.
:Breathwork, meditation, and restorative yoga
connecting with ourselves through the senses. Rejuvenating and grounding the body and mind, calming the nervous system.
: walking mediation in nature to connect through our senses to the source and our direct experience.
COME express and CREATE
: creative mindful exercises - to express and release what is within , so to create a new story for what is to come.
To bring
Warm and comfortable clothing.
blanket to sit on and cover with.
walking shoes
a candle or lantern
a pad and pen.
Investment - Sliding scale ( $10-15) to be paid by e-transfer to
jennifercloutier11@gmail.com or cash on site.
LOCATION- Mont Royal Park ( Near the entrance to Olmsted Trail & Angel Statue ) A google maps photo will be posted on this invite. PM for a more detail description
SAFETY measures are in place. Respect Social distancing & please bring your own MASKS. Please stay home if you have a cough, flu like symptoms.
Guide/ instruction- Jennifer Cloutier is an artist, creative entrepreneur and wellness instructor. Uniting her passions for creativity and wellness. She welcomes you to her unique curated experiences with the central themes of observation through the senses.
As you know, the sense of touch is something that we all need in our lives but are presently being asked to practice social distancing. Under these measures, and at time of uncertainty, I feel what is most important, is to be witnessed. To be seen, to be heard and to be felt.
Join me in Park Mont Royal for a sit in, eye contact, meditation session. Taking these moments to acknowledge the existence of others in our lives and ourselves.
As well, lets take time to ground and connect. Centring, balancing, through meditation and breathing and simply noticing what is, at that moment.
The plan-
To gather as a group.
-Eye contact sessions. - Will be switching partners throughout the hour session.
-Heart meditation
-Vibrational connecting.
and other sensory techniques.
Guided by - Jennifer Cloutier
Jennifer Cloutier is an artist, creative entrepreneur and wellness instructor. Uniting her passions for creativity and wellness. She welcomes you to her unique experiences with the central themes of observation.
What to bring -
- comfortable clothes-
-Maybe a blanket or scarf if it cools down
-A blanket, pillow, or mat to sit on.
INVESTMENT- By donation

Minding the Sense- Sound
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Yoga & wellness- Spring
Spring is here!!! It’s time to shake those winter blues, shed the layers and begin to welcome in a new season. Winter can take it’s toll on our mind and body, leaving behind some nasty residue both physically, and mentally. Spring is the perfect time to press the re set button, cleanse and begin to renew, letting go of the old and welcoming in the new. Come join me on Sunday ,May 15th, at the Project Vivant studios for a Flaneur Yoga & Wellness workshop- Spring time version. A workshop dedicated to rejuvenating the body inside and out through awareness of our senses.
YOGA+LUNCH+DHARMA talk on Herbs and super foods for the season.
WHERE- Project Vivant Studios
START TIME- 10:30-11:45 Yoga class
12:00-1:30- Healthy, Nutritional Lunch & Dharma talk on Healing Herbs and Superfoods for the spring season.
Special musical guest- INA
CONTACT ME to reserve your spot today. Space is limited .
Weekly Monday night yoga
Hey guys, spring is almost here, i promise. It's time to start unraveling those winter layers, shedding the old skin and begin to renew. I don't know about you, but winter can do some damage on the body both physically and emotional. It's time to transform and regenerate our mind and bodies once again. I'm starting up my regular yoga classes once a week. I've picked Monday nights to get a fresh start, and leap into your week.
WHERE- Same place as usual- 4152 St Laurent Apt 402 ( codes given if needed)
PRICE - Same awesome price- $10.00. I will keep it at this amazing affordable price as long as I have consistency with a group of people ( 4 and above)
TIME - Same time - 6:30pm-7:30pm
Style- A yoga flow
Any questions message me - jennifercloutier11@gmail.com
See you next week.

The art of observing
Come Join us this fall as we kickstart Le Flaneur Urban Retreats in the artistic, cultural city of Montreal. Bringing the Art of Observation to the forefront of it all, we will explore YOGA, THE ARTS , and Food to bring you on a adventure of the senses. As the seasons starts to change from one to the another, physically, mentally and emotionally we undergo changes as well. Taking time to ground yourself and find focus again can ease with this transition. Among the hustle and bustle of this urban space, we invite you to take this opportunity to practice mindfulness. Slowing down, checking in and observing.. Getting in tune with yourself, your community and expanding outwards to include all that surrounds you , as the moments unfolds.
Treat yourself to a day of being a Flaneur , a Urban explorer.
Learn techniques to become a better witness, Not only to yourself but to the people you cross paths with on the streets, the spaces that you encompass, the sounds , the textures, the light, the shadows, the patterns, the inhales and the exhales. Without labeling, simply noticing. Stimulating your senses to live a fuller, authentic expression of yourself. Penetrating your experience of the present. Being open to finding beauty and art in the places you least expect it.
For more details click , check out Le Flaneur Retreats on the site.
10:00am- GATHER at the PROJECT VIVANT studios- Set intention
10:30am-11:45- MEDITATION & YOGA CLASS
11:45-12:00- SELF MASSAGE DEMO
12:00-1:30- LUNCH & DHARMA TALK
INVESTMENT- Reserve your spot early $20.00, after OCT 19th- $30.00