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Summer series/ A SENSE of time

The Modern day flaneur presents,

A SENSE of time.


A multi-sensorial immersive experience, interactive installation, and “live” performance

that shares the wandering journey of a Modern day flaneur as she observes and explores the inner and outer landscapes of daily life.  Merging creative expression, storytelling, and wellbeing to engage your presence, and awaken the senses.

Cultivating an individual and collective connection and awareness of how we relate to ourselves, others, and the world around us, through our senses.

This series will rotate seasonally to reflect and share the present moment of the everyday.


Upon arrival, you enter into a space, installed and designed for you to become “ a part of “ You are offered an all-immersive ticket to travel through a SENSE of time. Your guide, The Modern Day Flaneur, will join you, as you journey together to the past, present, and future, and the all states that lie in space between.


The plot unfolds before your eyes to become a WITNESS to a journey. The Flaneur enters the scene, with her suitcases in hand. Playing the role of a silent observer, participating character, and narrator of her own story, she unpacks her luggage, sharing her sensorial souvenirs, with YOU, her viewers. 

Through a theatrical storytelling performance, she begins unraveling the many layers of her being. Using spoken words, poetic verses, travel logs, visual projections, soundscapes, and creativity to immerse you in the moment.

Each expression and each action is meant to engage each of the senses, evoke visceral memories, and resonate on a level that defines our perception as both being UNIQUE and ENTANGLED


To cultivate a more profound sense of presence with her viewers, she invites you to interact and participate in a guided meditative practice that is both mindful and creative—using movement exercises, visualization, rituals, creative expression, and mindfulness practices to foster a connection with the self, others, and the surroundings.


To bring conscious awareness of our SENSE of taste, and smell, an array worldly of aromatic scents and nourishing seasonal tastes will be offered. Inviting you to not only the present but through a portal to travel back to memories stored deep within the layers of your being.

The EXPERIENCE - Travel time - 2 hours.

ARRIVAL / CHECK-IN: 6:30 - 7:00 pm 

Power down all devices, find a seat and get comfortable, begin to unwind, and settle into the space.

TAKE OFF: 7:00 pm - lights will dim, for departure, and take off.

IN-FLIGHT entertainment: 

SEE - Visual projections ( Imagery both still and moving and art)

LISTEN - soundscapes, field recordings, storytelling,  ( inspired by Jennifer’s creations from her book MIRA CUBA 2021, and the HANG IN THERE installation, 2020, and SENSE of time.

Special Musical guest- A local Musician.

FEEL - exploring the sense of touch, vibration, and perception. 

TASTE - seasonal drinks & nourishments ( other surprises.)


Montreal, Quebec - JUNE 22, 2023

Tickets can be purchased online through this website.

E-transfer - send to email

PayPal, or credit can be paid through this website. Go to the purchase button

Early bird/seating - $22.00 until June 11th

Second sale- $33.00 until June 20th.

September 8

A mindful rooftop experience