SHOSHIN Flaneur walk talk
On July 3rd, I was pleased to guide a slow Sunday stroll in the Mile-end of Montreal. The concept for the Flaneur walk & talk was called shoshin. A word to mean seeing life with a beginner’s mind. Fresh eyes. A flaneur means a stroller or one who wanders without a plan but with intention. Combing these two concepts I strolled the streets, alleyways, and parks of the urban landscapes of Montreal.

Flaneur creative mindful walk
On May 29 th, I had the opportunity to teach/ guide my first Flaneur creative mindful walks of the season in Montreal. I had an amazing group to guide them through the streets, parks, and alleyways of the plateau. Taking time to slow down and tune in to our senses and observe and explore the landscapes both inward and outward
We are not coming out the same way we arrived
but isn’t that the point, of this journey? To experience it all. The good, bad, and the ugly. The highs and lows. Heartaches, mixed with evenings of passion.

Creating space
Creating space For you and me, and us to come together and be to go within and out to seek, to find, to listen, deeply

I sit there, thinking
As I tried to find the words and images to express myself these days within these tense current worldly affairs, I found this poem which I wrote last year while I couldn’t sleep, during a lockdown in Montreal. Words, that seemed to resonate with the moment NOW. I revised it slightly to reflect the times, my present mood, and the message I wanted to convey. Enjoy this through both the written word and audio narration of it by me.

We are all connected
Simple acts of kindness can travel far when the intention is true. On February 14th, 2022 I decided to hit the streets and metro of Montreal, to offer small sentiments and messages to strangers. To remind them that we are all connected, loved, and enough.

go back, or EVOLVE instead.
It is January 5th, 2022. I am sitting in my Montreal apartment. It is a cool winter day, and we are in lockdown once again. It feels like a deja vu to not only of the previous year around this time, but also a moment unrelated to a pandemic and that was when I first moved to this city. The thing that is similar, is the feelings associated with being alone and disconnected.

MIRA Cuba book launch
On July 16th, I had the great opportunity to present and launch my self-published book MIRA Cuba. It was held on the streets, in front of the bookstore DESTILL, in Montreal. I was happy to have it during a moment they had closed the streets and opened it to pedestrian-only, due to Covid measures. It seemed fitting for a book based on the theme of flaneuring for it to be launched in this manner. I had a great turnout of friends and many strangers who passed to check out the book and the event. As well, by the end, I had some Cuban musicians drop in to play a few tunes to make this event that much more authentic. Overall, a nice experience and moment to have lived. Looking forward to holding more book-related events in the future.

“Hang in there “ you know the saying that is said just before parting with someone, as another way to say “don’t give up”. This saying seemed to be going around, among a few other words, that ended up on repeat in my mind over the past several months under a solo quarantine during this pandemic. I had enough time on my hands to really think and reflect on language, the choice of words we used, how we used them, and the general weight of them when you HEAR or READ them. As well, as observing how it affects you, physically, mentally, and emotionally, especially when you are on your own, over long periods of time. Call it a self-induced inquiry, a project of sorts, that turned into a therapeutic healing plan in coping with a pandemic that was soaked in emotion and anxiety, and heavy in uncertainty. The results of the research eventually made their way into a creative installation sensory experience, called “Hang in there”, in which I HUNG, at Nomads life in Montreal last week in a private event.

New Moon in Aries
I woke up this morning, to a new day, new moon, and a new trip around the sun.I woke up this morning .
that I was surrounded
not only by all that I need
but as well by the things I love
I woke up this morning

Count my blessings
I woke this morning, and I was cold, but I had shelter
I was tired and hungry and didn’t want to go to work, but knew how blessed it is to have a job that pays for food.
I started to get dressed and couldn’t decide what to wear, and was blessed to have a CHOICE and something to wear.
I walked to work, It was -20 degrees and I could barely catch my breath, but then I thought, but I am breathing , and I am blessed to have safe streets without the fear of being killed and the health to still have the mobility to move.

A shot in the dark
I only had a few moments to react when I turned around and seen this man caught in the headlights of the car behind. I didn't think, I just shot. I am posting this today for reasons that I hope to keep photography fun and the act of capturing life as authentic as possible. For reasons to remind me why I love photography. That life isn't always stationary but moving and you are either ready or your not. If you blink and think...you may miss a moment
Follow your bliss
Well friends and family near and far, we have arrived at the last day of 2017. What a year it has been! Filled with many highs and lows, with some doors closing and others opening, with many reminders to stay on the path i am on now. There were incredible connections made and some losses along the way, but in the end each of them taught me that its all part of the grand story of living. Threaded together by the common theme to live each experience fully

Live your direct experience
Have you ever heard the expression “autopilot”. Its literal meaning is of a device that steers a ship, plane, or spacecraft by itself, without a person. However, you hear it often being used to describe when someone has done something without focusing or thinking. This expression came to mind while I was walking up the mountain today.

Live in the moment
This was my last day in Cuba back in April. I had set out the tripod and phone to document a bit of my process. I was quickly joined by a curious Cuban boy. Little did I know that what I was about to record was to be exactly how I would describe and express what Cuba means to me. You can set all your intentions and have your plans and ideas but in the end, you can't expect anything, and just need to be open to whatever arises at that moment. That's the good stuff. When you're not seeking, it finds you. This is Cuba, bursting, bustling, and alive. Full of calm to crazy moments, a joy to hardships. It envelopes you, and can literally sweep you off your feet. Each trip I take there I learn a little bit more about their culture and who they are. I learn to take it as-is for what it is.
Mira Mira Mira,
It is 7 a.m. when I begin to stroll the streets. I have my camera over my shoulder and sketchbook tucked under my arm. I’m wide awake and a bit wired from a fuerte cuban coffee.
The morning light is delightfully intense — streaming down the middle of the road, filtering everything it touches with a golden hue. As I make my way into the central plaza, I’m joined by school children and their parents as they hustle them off to school.
“Mira mira,” I hear one yell to the other, getting the attention of the women ahead of me. I keep going, slowly discovering the city one block at a time. Again I hear, “mira, mira, linda,” and this time it’s directed toward me.

A life remembered
My même would have been 100 years old yesterday if she was alive today. I wanted to recognize her and her life in mine... as she was my first artistic influence. A strong, bold, and creative soul with a full heart. Alzheimer's sadly took her early nearly 12 years ago yesterday. I still remember one of the last touching things she said to me in the care home that I won't forget. I showed her a photo of her and I in front of her painting, to remind her who I was. I told her that I had become a painter like her and she was an inspiration to me. She grabbed the photo with her " big hands" and responded simply " so I am in you " and I said yes you are and will always be.

Don’t wait, live your story
“I hope you will go out and let stories, that is life, happen to you, and that you will work with these stories... water them with your blood and tears and your laughter till they bloom, till you yourself burst into bloom.”

Vinales Valley
As a flaneur I float between being a silent observer of life to immersing myself in the crowds. Both roles I love and both have a time and place. I’ve gone to Cuba several times now and usually, it’s solo. One of my pleasures and passions is to take a hike into the Valley of Vinales, without a plan or a destination in mind. Just a full day, to explore and observe. On this day, I set out, wandering a bit. I had stopped a moment to check out the incredible view when I saw a small figure in the distance. Since I had been by myself for a few hours now, I was curious to talk to others. So I waited. As he came into full view, I could see now it was a local tobacco farmer.

Breaking barriers
As a flâneur, I love to walk the streets, in silence, simply observing. With the camera in hand, I try to capture life's moments unfolding. You can see a lot of different emotions and interactions on a given day if you really just become more aware. I think that's why I enjoy this subject matte