Vinales Valley


As a flaneur I float between being a silent observer of life to immersing in the crowds. Both roles I love and both have a time and place. I’ve gone to Cuba several times now and usually, it’s solo. One of my pleasures and passions is to take a hike into the Valley of Vinales, without a plan or a destination in mind. Just a full day, to explore and observe. On this day, I set out, wandering a bit. I had stopped a moment to check out the incredible view when I saw a small figure in the distance. Since I had been by myself for a few hours now, I was curious to talk to others.

So I waited. As he came into full view, I could see now, it was a local tobacco farmer. Stopping within a few meters from me, he took his bag off that was slumped over his shoulder, took a pull on his giant cigar, and began to simply observe me. I smiled and winked to get the approval for a few more shots. No words were exchanged, just a moment of recognition, connection, and awareness of the other. I looked at him with all his unique features of weathered hands and face and imagined what his life story was. 
      I never thought to break the silence to ask, but felt the moment was perfect and more powerful with it left to the imagination on both ends. With a simple nod, he picked up his bag of tobacco and continued on his way.


Don’t wait, live your story


Breaking barriers