FLANEUR WORKSHOPS are guided explorations through urban settings, set in beautiful artistic, historically and cultural rich places around the world, with the theme of CREATIVITY & WELLNESs Taking the time to slow down, check in and bring awareness to our senses in how it relates to ourselves, others and all that surrounds us.

 YOU- This exploration begins with you.  This mindfulness practice will first take notice of our breath, thoughts, and all the sensations that we experience physically, and emotionally. Simply becoming aware to what is, without adding or subtracting to the experience. Once we have grounded and found our base, we can expand outward to include others.  

OTHERS- Especially in urban spaces, we are reminded daily that we are not alone. We share the space and energy with others. The MINDING THE SENSE practice reserves time to teach us the importance of making connections within our community, the people we have and pass in our lives. Through the conscious practice of making eye contact and connections daily with others, we can build more stronger, authentic relationships and experiences.

SURROUNDINGS- These workshops bring special focus to observing the simple but beautiful details that make up the landscape of our lives. Taking time to reflect on what you see, hear, feel, taste and smell, as the moments unfold. Finding beauty in the mundane, and places that we least expect. To becoming a better witness to your direct experience that makes up our day to day.