Is this a dream or reality


That moment…. you arrive on your favourite beach, and there is not a soul in site.  It’s mid afternoon, the sun and sand is hot, and the water is glistening.  At first, you can’t believe you have this piece of heaven to yourself, but then you slowly start to just enjoy this ultimate moment.  You lay out your beach blanket, crack open a refreshing beverage, shed all clothes that get in the way of letting the sun’s rays drench your skin.  You take a deep inhale and slowly release the exhale. You can feel all tension leaving your body.  You let your senses be open to receiving all things.  Your body and mind are fully engaged, and aware.  With every moment that passes, you start to wonder if this is reality, a dream or a different realm entirely.  You think to yourself,  does it make a difference to answer that question.  All that matters, is that it exist for you at this moment.  So you let your mind drift, Inhale..exhale...

Cuba- Feb 2016 , Location -Cannot be disclosed ;)


All we have is now


making eye contact